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How to Get Rid of an Oily Nose and Blackheads


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It's no secret that a beauty cleanup is on every skincare enthusiast's monthly checklist. If we ask you to name the most toilsome part of your clean up routine, you're likely to name 'blackhead extraction' and rightly so. Even though the pores are opened with hot steam and toners during a cleanup, getting rid of those pesky blackheads can be quite a struggle. Today, let's decode everything about blackheads: from causes to solutions and understand the best ways to keep blackheads at bay.

1. What Are Blackheads?
2. The Causes of Blackheads
3. Here's Why You Commonly Find Blackheads On Nose
4. Don't Squeeze Blackheads at Home
5. Basic and Initial Care For Blackheads On Nose
6. Exfoliate To Discard Blackheads On Nose
7. The Best Skincare Ingredients For Blackheads
8. Here's How You Can Maintain Blackhead Free Skin
9. FAQs

What Are Blackheads?

What Are Blackheads?

Image: Pexels

Blackheads are the result of incredibly clogged pores that become home to dirt, gunk and sebum. "Blackheads are a type of non-inflammatory acne called open comedones", explains Dr. Niketa Sonavane, Celebrity Dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai. Just like blackheads, there are whiteheads too that are more or less the same thing but have a white appearance on the skin since they are open comedones and don't oxidise.

They are believed to be more stubborn and difficult to get rid of. "When your pores become clogged with sebum, makeup, dirt, and bacteria, blackheads form. Many people believe that blackheads are dark because the dirt in the pore is that colour. The truth is that blackheads are black or dark grey because the oil and dead skin that clogs the pore 'oxidises' (turns black) when exposed to air," adds Dr. Sonavane.

The Causes of Blackheads

The Causes of Blackheads Infographic

There are many factors that can cause blackheads on the nose, clogged pores and environmental aggressors like heat and humidity topping the chart. "Pore clogging is caused by the skin's natural oil production, the accumulation of dead skin cells, and environmental exposure to dirt and debris," says Dr. Sonavane. "Each pore contains a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland, which produces sebum, which forms the protective barrier of our skin.

Although your skin produces this oil naturally to help keep itself protected and moisturised, too much oil, caused by androgen hormones, can cause recurrent blackheads," she adds. This is also one of the reasons why blackheads on the nose are more prone to develop on oily and combination skin types that have heavy sebum content around the T-zone of the face. Additionally, dead skin and other debris and wreckage buildup can also cause clogged pores leading to blackheads on nose.

Here's Why You Commonly Find Blackheads On Nose

Here's Why You Commonly Find Blackheads On Nose

Image: Shutterstock

It's a known fact that the tip of your nose is home to blackheads. You're most likely to spot blackheads on the nose against any other area on your face because that's primarily where pores are clogged the most. "Blackheads are most common in the pores of your T-Zone, which is the area of your face that includes your nose, forehead, and chin.

The skin in this area has more oil glands than the rest of your face and body, which is one of the reasons why blackheads appear on your nose so frequently," clarifies Dr. Sonavane. Also, while cleansing our face we often tend to pay more attention to the cheeks and the nose might not get cleansed enough for the pores to stay unclogged and clean causing blackheads on nose.

Don't Squeeze Blackheads at Home

Don't Squeeze Blackheads at Home

Image: Pexels

You may want to stay clear from this idea unless you're a pro at picking out blackheads on nose which includes sterilizing all your tools and following all the correct before and after measures while knowing the method well. "Never pick or squeeze blackheads. Squeezing introduces bacteria, oil, and dirt from your hands into your pores, which can result in more blackheads.

Besides this it can also result in inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and scarring," explains Dr. Sonavane. Going to a salon too is a risky deal since the person there might not care for your skin with the right technique and practices. "Avoid at-home extractions, which can cause skin damage, infection, and scarring," warns Dr. Sonavane. "Consult your dermatologist about professional come done extractions if you have painful or excessive blackheads," she suggests.

Basic and Initial Care For Blackheads On Nose

Basic and Initial Care For Blackheads On Nose

Image: Shutterstock

Though it seems difficult to tackle blackheads, caring for them is no rocket science. Basic rituals and regular execution can help you control and eliminate blackheads visibly. "A consistent daily skincare regimen can help you get rid of blackheads," says Dr. Sonavane. We can vouch for salicylic acid as a hero ingredient to control blackheads on nose and get rid of them. "Wash your face twice a day with a facial cleanser containing Salicylic Acid, which is your go-to ingredient for exfoliating the skin and removing blackhead-causing oil," advises Dr Sonavane.

Exfoliate To Discard Blackheads On Nose

Exfoliate To Discard Blackheads On Nose

Image: Pexels

Of course! Exfoliation is one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy and free of all kinds of dirt and debris that may be clogging your pores. Through exfoliation, you can unclog your pores in a flash and alleviate all the gunk trapped in them. "Exfoliate your skin gently with a micro-granular scrub once or twice per week to help remove dead skin cells and other debris that can clog your pores," says Dr. Sonavane.

Physical exfoliation, as well as chemical exfoliation, works well for this purpose. However, using a physical exfoliator at least once a week is a great idea to ensure optimal unclogging of pores. Alternatively, you can also incorporate a gentle exfoliating cleanser into your daily routine.

The Best Skincare Ingredients For Blackheads

The Best Skincare Ingredients For Blackheads

Image: Pexels

Dr. Sonavane has already thrown light on the benefits of salicylic acid for blackheads on nose. There are a few more ingredients that can help you stay away from it. The vitamin A derivative retinol can help you out with reducing blackheads by shrinking your pores that have been enlarged and thereby clogged. Retinol works well with blackheads since it also accelerates the cell turnover which gets rid of the previous cells sheltering blackheads. Besides this, you can also ramp up your SPF usage and become regular with this to keep sun damage at bay.

Here's How You Can Maintain Blackhead Free Skin

Here's How You Can Maintain Blackhead Free Skin

Image: Pexels

What happens when you manage to get rid of all the blackheads on your nose? They are likely to make a comeback in the absence of a proper skincare routine. To make things easier and fuss-free for you, we have expert advice on how to maintain blackhead-free skin. "Once your nose is free of blackheads, you can help keep it that way by following an effective hydrating and exfoliating skin skincare routine meant for your skin type.

Choose a moisturiser and sunscreen that are both silicone-free and oil-free and pick non-comedogenic makeup that is not designed to clog pores. Wash pillowcases and makeup brushes at least once a week and avoid touching your face, especially if you have dirty hands," shares Dr Sonavane.


Q. Is there a quick DIY fix to get rid of blackheads on nose?

A. Take facial steam to open your pores. Next make a paste of honey, lemon and salt and apply to the nose. After letting it rest for a while, scrub in circular motions and wash it off.

Nose strips for blackheads on nose

Image: Pexels

Q. Is it okay to use nose strips for blackheads on nose?

A. "Use pore strips once a week to remove blackheads on your nose quickly and safely. Pore strips cling to blackheads but not to your skin making blackhead extraction safe," says Dr. Sonavane. However, do not make it a go-to blackhead removal technique.

Quick DIY fix to get rid of blackheads on nose

Image: Pexels

Q. Can blackheads on nose be removed permanently?

A. Blackheads occur naturally due to a bunch of factors which is why nothing (no treatment too) guarantees a permanent removal. Following your skincare routine with anti-blackhead practices religiously is the best way to avoid them and remove them, if they occur.

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How to Get Rid of an Oily Nose and Blackheads
