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How to Get Rid of Edema in Legs and Feet

Kidneys: The Multi-Taskers in The Human Body

The human body runs with the amalgamation of the functioning of major organs and their parts. Organs like the kidneys, heart, brain, lungs, and liver unify for one motive: The betterment of the human body. The fact that major internal organs are the pillars that handle the growth and development of the body points towards these organs being prominent for the human body's survival.

Just like that, kidneys are the door that helps filter the waste products and excess fluids from the blood and pushes these unwanted matters out of the body. When we talk about multitasking in human anatomy, kidneys come knocking on the door of our minds. Both of these bean-shaped organs (kidneys) handle multiple duties vital for the body and help keep the body's entire balance. They handle the management of blood pressure levels, balance in electrolytes, and their primary function is blood filtration that plays a vital role in the amelioration of the human body. Without the proper functioning of kidneys, the human body can become an entity of toxicities while experiencing a disbalance in its methodical internal functioning.

That is why kidneys are known as the whole balance of the body. Healthy kidneys are an emblem of a healthy body. In simple words, kidneys help acquire good health and vitality of the body, and other organs hold on to their proper function accordingly.

But a string of medical conditions that are kidney harming in nature can cause irreparable damage to the functioning rate of the kidneys and lead them to the verge of losing their functionality. One of the dangerous and the last stage, which is the final destination of every kidney disease, is kidney failure. It is also known as a loophole of life and death because it causes life-threatening issues for its patients.

What is Kidney Failure?

Kidney FailureWhen kidneys lose functionality entirely and do not have command over their functions, they reach the final stage of kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease. Another name for kidney failure is renal failure, and it is also considered the culminating stage of chronic kidney disease.

It doesn't matter that kidneys are about the size of a fist, but their role in the body is prominent. They are the ones that provide pure blood to the entire functions and organs of the body. Kidneys are composed of nephrons that are stated as their functional and structural units. Millions of nephrons are present in the kidneys and consist of filtering parts that assist in executing the function of filtering the blood carefully. The filter and disposing system of the body (kidneys) have a filter that separates the waste products, excess fluids, and unwanted substances from the blood. At the same time, tubules are the reabsorbing tubes of the kidneys that absorb essential matter from the blood when it is being filtered and return those useful substances like red blood cells and blood protein into the bloodstream. After that, waste products are stored in the bladder for their excretion from the body, and this is how the primary function- blood filtration takes place in the kidneys.

But several diseases holding kidney hurting properties can damage the filtering parts of the kidneys. Glomerular and tubular damage can result in poor blood filtration, where kidneys gradually begin to lose their command over their filtering abilities. Continuance in losing function can lead to the stage of kidney failure. Kidney failure occurs when they have lost 80-85% function. In simple words, when kidneys have a 15% functioning rate, they end up in the vicious cycle of life-threatening kidney failure.

Kidney failure is categorized into two parts that help understand the type of causes that triggered kidney failure.

  1. Acute kidney failure: When kidneys face difficulties in functioning and lose their functional abilities suddenly. It is known as acute kidney failure.
  2. Chronic kidney failure: It is a severe kidney disease that causes the kidneys to lose function gradually.

What Are The Causes of Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure is the outcome of various medical conditions that harm the kidneys' filtering units and leads them to the stage of dysfunction. It is prominent to determine the cause of kidney failure to treat the disease accordingly.

People who are at the central risk of developing kidney failure can relate to the underlying factors.

Lack of blood flow to the kidneys

Every organ needs sufficient blood in order to run its functions properly; kidneys also need blood to function. Blood loss in the kidneys at a sudden rate can prompt kidney failure. Some conditions that reduce the blood flow to the kidneys are as follows;

  • Cardiac attack.
  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Scarred liver or liver failure.
  • Dehydration.
  • Severe burn.
  • An allergic reaction.
  • A deadly infection such as sepsis.

High blood pressure is described as the most common culprit renowned for causing damage to the kidneys. However, increased levels of blood pressure weaken the blood filtering arteries surrounding kidneys. Due to which the kidneys face reduced blood flow and enter the phase of impairment.

Obstructed urine elimination

Your body needs to be free from toxicities in order to have the proper functioning of the kidneys. When the body faces difficulties in eliminating the urine, accumulation of toxicities occurs, overloading the kidneys.

However, some cancers are known to block the passage of urine. They are stated below:

  • Prostate cancer.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Bladder cancer.

Other medical conditions that create an interference in the process of urination and causes kidney failure are as follows;

  • Kidney stones.
  • Enlarged prostate.
  • Blood clotting in the urinary tract.
  • Damage in the nerves that commands the bladder.

Other kidney-harming diseases that damage the filtering abilities of the kidneys and lead the kidneys to reach the verge of kidney failure are stated below:

  • Blood clotting in the kidneys.
  • Kidney infection.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Consuming drugs and illegal substances.
  • Polycystic kidney disease.
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Lupus.
  • Certain antibiotics.
  • Diabetes.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms of Kidney Failure?

Symptoms of kidney failure are the signs of a hampered internal state that signifies the poor functioning of kidneys. However, signs and symptoms of kidney failure are as follows:

  • Reduction in the urine output.
  • Edema- swelling in the feet, ankles, and legs due to fluid retention.
  • Unjustified shortness of breath.
  • Excess drowsiness or fatigue.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased mental alertness- confusion.
  • Pain or pressure in the chest.
  • Seizures.
  • Coma.

Suppose you detect any signs and symptoms stated above or have a history of kidney disease. In that case, you need to see the doctor and have proper treatment for the significant kidney condition.

How to Get Rid of Swollen Feet in Kidney Failure?

A kidney failure patient becomes a target of various health complications and symptoms that makes it more critical for the patient to survive the disease. Symptoms and complications of kidney failure complicate the journey of the renal failure patient to procure good health and vitality of the kidneys.

One of the common symptoms that occur in episodes of every kidney harming disease is Edema. Edema is a condition that depicts swelling within any part of the human body. When kidney failure occurs, kidneys become unable to filter liquid waste out of the body due to insufficient filtration. Excess fluids accumulate in the body tissues leading to pain and inflammation in various parts of the body.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is a combination of three vital doshas- Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Edema is known as Shotha in Ayurveda, and it is stated as a Kapha type of disorder.

Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can help reduce the inflammation in the body using natural healing capabilities. The amalgamation of authentic kidney-friendly herbs reduces the rate of accumulation of excess fluids in the tissues.

However, underlying ayurvedic herbal medicines provided in kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can help reduce swelling in the affected parts of the body.

  • Arjuna.
  • Punarnava.
  • Shilajit.
  • Shunthi.
  • Haridra.

Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda provides herb-based medications stated above because they have long-lasting effects in restoring the kidneys' ability to filter accordingly and assuages the recurring symptoms like swelling.

Along with the herbal medications, kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda uses therapeutic modes of treatment for reducing the swelling, and natural healing therapies assist the kidney in getting rid of the excess fluids from the blood. Yoga poses also help in the elimination of toxins from the body. Hence, the fundamental aspects of Ayurveda can even treat symptoms of kidney failure permanently.

The bottom line is that Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can end your miseries as the holistic and authentic herbs have no side effects and repair the impaired kidney function by restoring the damaged organs of the kidneys. That is why you need to opt for suitable treatment to get rid of a kidney failure patient's tag and acquire freedom from recurring complications and symptoms like Edema. Add yoga and Ayurveda in your life to be free from health issues as a healthy diet, Ayurveda, and a healthy lifestyle are the keys to unlock the door towards the betterment of kidneys and other internal organs. Having functioning kidneys can help you live a long and healthy life.

How to Get Rid of Edema in Legs and Feet
